Where I haven't been in ages! Anyway. Here are some OLD photos I found.
I don't remember when this was, but the first photo started off with somebody saying
"HEY, LET'S BE 5 PEOPLE IN THE ELEVATOR WHEN YOU'RE ONLY SUPPOSED TO BE 3-4.!" That went pretty okay and nobody died.
BUT THE SECOND PHOTO.. is from after drinking and getting ready with the girls.. and somebody said "HEY.. LET'S MAKE THIS NIGHT A HISTORICAL NIGHT AND TRY TO FIT 7 PEOPLE IN THE ELEVATOR. we've already been 5, what's 2 more??"
So we did, and we got stuck between 1st and 2nd floor for about 5 minutes..
Hahahahahahah! Who can forget this?! It should be written down in the history of "amazing-things-done-in-tiny-elevator-in-sørkedalsveien3C".
Hahahahahahah! Who can forget this?! It should be written down in the history of "amazing-things-done-in-tiny-elevator-in-sørkedalsveien3C".
well well.. what other "amazing-things-done-in-tiny-elevator-in-sørkedalsveien3C" do YOU have on your list MARIA?!??
fun post :)) I enjoy reading everything on this blog! I'm glad Norway has some "blogcelebs" alongside acertainsomething and akam1blogspot.com
Loves - cy
Høhø... well the renowned Elecvator Guy-episodes + Putting Furniture with said elevator... etc.
aaaw! FUUUUUUUUUN! mIss You all!
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