Here are some photos from a thursday night. The one night that shit is really goin' down and I forgot to bring my camera. So these are some photos from the first digital camera ever made (Thea's).

We warmed up at our place drinkin' some wine after the staff-meeting and stüssy-sample shoppin' at Stress.
We really didn't know where we felt like partyin' so we decided to try out Nomaden first where Hanne-Marit's boy "Dark-Mark" was playin'. My first time there, loved it!
He played some old school funk that could make anybody start shake their tale feather.
On the way though, we passed by some guys. They said "Hi..". We said it back. They asked us where we were headin'.. "Nomaden" we replied. They wondered if we could join. We said "OF COURSE!" Not 'til we were right outside the place I figured who it was..
He danced exactly like in the music video. Hella funny.

After that we decided to continue our journey over to Blå. The place was packed so we chilled outside and just talked to random people. Erlend and the German were hungry and so we went hunting for a place to eat. After arguing with the kebab-guy at this random shop nearby Blå and filling our tummies it was off to bed.

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it must really suck to be you.
